If you ever need a place to come back to, you know - to listen to the wind, we'll be here.
The essence of that which we call "AMERICAN" is European culture grafted into the rich and nourishing roots of Native American customs and beliefs.   Whether it is the way we fight our wars, conduct our business, worship God, prepare our food, play our games or sustain our community, the influence of Native America is ever present in ways that we consistently fail to see.
"Without understanding Native Americans, we will never know who we are." - Jack Weatherford
.... and never know the vision given to us. - Rodger Dourte - The VISION Given to All

Great Binding Law, Gayanashagowa by Dekanawidah (circa 1190)
About The Great Law of Peace - Wickipedia
The Meaning of the Great Peace by Daniel N. Paul
Founding Fathers - The Sachems by Charles C. Mann

It is now time for a destructive order to be reversed, and it is well to inform other races that the aboriginal cultures of North America were not devoid of beauty. Futhermore, in denying the Indian his ancestral rights and heritages the white race is but robbing itself. America can be revived, rejuvenated, by recognizing a Native School of thought. --
Chief Luther Standing Bear
Lakota (Sioux) - Land of the Spotted Eagle

After over 200 years - Finally Affirmed
Congressional Record - Senate Wednesday, September 16, 1987
100th Cong. 1st Sess.133 Cong Rec S 12214

It began in Lancaster, Pennsylvania

"We are a powerful Confederacy; and by your observing the same methods our wise forefathers have taken, you will acquire such strength and power."
Canassatego, Confederacy Sechem
at Lancaster, Pennsylvania Treaty - 1744.
This was the first record of a proposal to establish a union of the colonies. Recorded by Franklin from the Lancaster Treaty minutes. It lead to the 1754 Albany conference with representatives of all the colonies and Iroquois speakers who outlined the methods for sustaining a strong confederacy of many cultures and religions.

It would be a very strange thing if Six Nations of Ignorant Savages should be capable of forming a Scheme for such an Union and be able to execute it in such a manner, as that it has subsisted Ages, and appears indissoluble, and yet a like Union should be impracticable for ten or a dozen English colonies.
Benjamin Franklin to James Parker, 1751

         The following papers examine the evolution of US Democracy from Native American Political Systems: Original Artwork by John Kahionhes Fadden

From "Forgotten Founders, Benjamin Franklin, the Iroquois and the Rationale for the American Revolution, 1982
During August of 1775, commissioners from the newly united colonies met with chiefs of the Six Nations at Philadelphia in an effort to procure their alliance, or at least neutrality, in the coming war with the British. On August 25, the two groups smoked the pipe of peace and exchanged the ritual words of diplomatic friendship. Following the ceremonies, the Colonial commissioners told the Iroquois:

Our business with you, besides rekindling the ancient council-fire, and renewing the covenant, and brightening up every link of the chain is, in the first place, to inform you of the advice that was given about thirty years ago, by your wise forefathers, in a great council which was held at Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, when Canassatego spoke to us, the white people, in these very words.

The commissioners then repeated, almost word for word, Canassatego's advice that the colonies form a federal union like that of the Iroquois, as it had appeared in the treaty account published by Franklin's press. The commissioners continued their speech:

These were the words of Canassatego. Brothers, Our forefathers rejoiced to hear Canassatego speak these words. They sunk deep into our hearts. The advice was good. It was kind. They said to one another: "The Six Nations are a wise people, Let us hearken to them, and take their counsel, and teach our children to follow it." Our old men have done so. They have frequently taken a single arrow and said, Children, see how easily it is broken. Then they have taken and tied twelve arrows together with a strong string or cord and our strongest men could not break them. See, said they, this is what the Six Nations mean. Divided, a single man may destroy you; united, you are a match for the whole world. We thank the great God that we are all united; that we have a strong confederacy, composed of twelve provinces. . . . These provinces have lighted a great council fire at Philadelphia and sent sixty-five counsellors to speak and act in the name of the whole, and to consult for the common good of the people. . . .
This is the first Great Seal established by the founding fathers, before revisionists changed the symbolic meanings to be different than intended by our founders. Note that the American Eagle is holding six arrows in it's left talon. The intention was to indicate that the US Constitution was built on the two then known preexisting democracies. The Greek (symbolized by the Laurel) and the Iroquois six Nations whose symbol was six arrows tied together. Later revisionists attempting to disconnect the USA from the Native Americans changed the six arrows to thirteen, to represent the original first colonies. Also note that revisionists in the 1950's successfully lobbied to remove the founding fathers National Motto "E Pluribus Unum" from our money and replace it with the phoney motto "In God we Trust", using religion as an excuse to distance us from the philosophy of the Iroquois Great Peace and our founders of a Nation of many cultures forged together as one.